Bath, May
My Dearest Isabella,
I received your letter this morning, and nearly dropped my ivory letter opener when you told me of how dreary things are at home! I know you are anxious for me to return, but I regret to tell you that we are to remain in Bath four weeks more.
I must tell you of the specialty stores mother took me to, oh they were exquisite! There was a jewellery shop that stole my heart, and I fear I cannot stop dreaming about their pieces. One, in particular took my eye, a diamond pendant, the prettiest thing, to hang upon a chain and wear on the neck. It resembles flowers and branches, and the Diamonds reflected light so brilliantly, it cast glimmers onto the very glass box it was encased in! If my family return here next year, I do hope you will join us. I would love to show you that little shop.
You have asked – rather incessantly – for me to give you news regarding Mr. Ainsley. To your delight I have much to tell you. First, Miss Ainsley seems to have taken to me quite nicely! We sat in her parlour just yesterday and she began teaching me to sew. She had a French sewing set she let me borrow and told me it was quite despicable that I had not learnt already! “If you are to be wed to my brother,” said she, “you must learn, and quickly.” Fancy that! I believe a proposal must be forthcoming from Mr. Ainsley, for what other reason would Miss Ainsley urge that I learn to sew quickly?
The next occasion in which an engagement could occur would be the ball tomorrow evening. I must look my best, and I have decided to wear my precious turquoise pieces. I shall wear the lovely ruby and pearl flower ring, – which you have complimented quite vigorously – along with my turquoise and pearl earrings. Mother has a muslin of the same colour to match. I do hope I have not misinterpreted Mr. Ainsley’s affections, for at the last ball we danced not once but twice!
I do wish you were with me, Isabella, to subdue my anxious heart! You seem to be the one who knows me most, which is only right considering we have been the best of friends since birth.
Now, we must plan how you will dress when you next attend the theatre. You have a bangle I do well not to snatch out your jewellery box because I adore it so much, the one with the graduated rubies. Please wear it, or I will be delighted to take the burden off you and have it for myself upon my return from Bath! And on your neck, it must be the pearl strand, with the diamond clasp.
Please write back to me with haste, as although Miss Ainsley is good company, she does not compare to you in the slightest.
Much love,
9ct Gold Turqoise & Pearl Cluster Stud Earrings
Hand-made antique turqoise and Akoya pearl cluster earrings.