Correspondence from Aylesford, July 1815
Aylesford, July My Elizabeth, How I bless and curse the postman who delivers your letters! Bless, as I can know of all your endeavours in Bath, but curse because your letters take painfully long to arrive! By now you have certainly attended the ball, and I...
Correspondence from Bath, June 1815
Bath, May My Dearest Isabella, I received your letter this morning, and nearly dropped my ivory letter opener when you told me of how dreary things are at home! I know you are anxious for me to return, but I regret to tell you that we are to remain in Bath four weeks...
The Tale of Desmond Carmichael
Desmond Carmichael, Proprietor of the Carmichael Shipping Co. Strides through the streets of West Kensington, London, his silver topped cane proving indispensable as night descends on the deserted streets. Safely back home, in his private office, he studies his...